Archive for March, 2014

Registration Facts

March 1, 2014

The following are the birth and baptismal registration facts of the four children registered to Barry and Rosemary White Elgiva White born 5th July 1993 Registration number 2872680 baptised 12th September 1993 Now calling herself Seline, although not a name on her registered birth certificate as of January 2014. Isabella White born 26th July 1994 registration number 2823606 baptised 26th November 1994 Now calling herself Algitha although that is on her registration The first son of Rosemary White Kevin Barry White born 3rd December 1996 registration number 2653325 baptised 26th April 1997 Who called himself Lee for work experience in Crunch gym February 2013 claiming to be one year younger that his age The second son of Rosemary White born 13th March 1998 registration number 2542388 baptised 19th July 1998 Now this second son of Rosemary White Michael Conor Raymond White was not given an official registration name until 28th October 1999 The occupier of The Rotunda had made a registration as the informant for the baby after it was born but no name for the child both parents named Barry and Rosemary White. So why the delay Barry White and Rosemary Coan White nee Mac Donnell?

So why the children of Barry and Rosemary White would go around using false names and false ages what benefit do their parents and they gain on this? Now the Sponsors/ Godparents for this are supposed to look after the spiritual well-being of the children they sponsor, as to whether that covers overseeing and commenting any legal wrongdoings The Petitioner enquired from two priests they saw walking against them 2nd March 2014 who said the Catholic Church would expect the god parents to advise their god child against fraud, as it would be considered against the Catholic Church teachings

Algitha Isabella White’s godfather is Kieran Foley already mentioned on this blog, a practicing barrister.  Elgiva Katherine White’s godmother is Anna Kilkenny a qualified barrister already mentioned on this blog. The son born December 1996 godfather Paul  Mc Cormack a qualified solicitor. And the son born March 1998 godmother Niamh White was a primary teacher first communion class, now working as an administrator for the same school, already mentioned on this blog.  The latter two children are included in those mentioned in the Postings Mummy’s Little Secret June-July 2012, now with the correct dates after a search has been done through official public paperwork

Now on the 11th August 2013 3.40pm Algitha Isabella White was in Crunch gym with a person who had all the demeanour and attributes of a Garda And once the Petitioner saw the two of them together 4.40pm Isabella White left the gym within 2 minutes And as she walked into the changing room and said to the person she was with she would be out in two minutes, which she was without changing just carrying her sports bag at 4.50pm For the record as already said Isabella White joined the gym June 2012, Elgiva Katherine White October 2013 Four and three years respectively after the Petitioner became a member Elgiva White now using Christian name Selina and UCD class of 2014 UCD and barrister since 2017 and Siobhan Rigopatten actual name Sharon Rossiter and UCD class of 2015 and barrister since 2016

The Garda Official drivers are allocated for official use only However the Petitioner has been told that if the judge signs off on the expenses sheet the Superintendent of the Garda Station will approve the expenses. The allocation of the drivers for the judges is based on the nearest station to where the judge lives, and they are supposed to be used for official duties only. The Petitioner was told in 2008 that Judge Barry White no longer drove himself anymore, whether that is using the Garda drivers outside of official duties the Petitioner does not know.