Archive for March, 2011

What a difference four years makes?

March 8, 2011

The Petitioner has been informed by an appraiser, that Barry White fathered  a child in 1983 with a legal secretary in one of the large female law firms in Dublin There were a number of them around at the time.

Now a blood test was taken and Barry White was shown to be the father of this daughter and Barry White made a once off financial settlement on the mother for his daughter. The same  appraiser, was involved  in the negotiations between the parties and believes the daughter would have tried to make contact with her natural father when she turned 18 if only for basic background information.

If that was so? Could that have been the legal document Barry White was reading through one Sunday evening in July 2001 When he was as he said looking through documents he had got into the Law Library during that week And his daughter would have in all likelihood have written  to Barry White addressing the letter to Law Library. Barry White said as he was reading the documents all of a sudden the words started dancing out from the page at him Well given his demeanor in all of this ostrich like- he would not have expected to hear from his daughter born in 1983 again Rosemary White put her husband in the Blackrock Clinic for a few days after that under a cardiologist she said

However Rosemary White did not react in the way she did four years later when Nerys Georgina Ryan turned 18 as up until then Barry White was instructed   by the family courts Case 270/89 12th June 1989  to pay maintenance support to her mother Nerys Ryan until Nerys Georgina Ryan turned 18 And after Nerys Georgina Ryan turned 18 the payments stopped and  Nerys Georgina Ryan was obviously looking for additional money to the amount settled on her in the family courts  In 2005 Rosemary White’s reaction was to encourage her husband to slander liable and defame his cousin Which he agreed to do for no apparent reason except for a greed for money

As in the time period 1983 Desmond Murray had not died so the White family had no official confirmation of the Murray Trust And Louise Walshe had not at that point not found a way to split the other trust of which she was a trustee with Ronald Robbins The family involved in that trust come from the counties of Wexford, Waterford, Laois and Offaly Louise Walshe did find a way to split the trust three years later which Ronald Robbins and the family concerned went along with apparently not challenging Louise Walshe in any way on her suggestion  And Barry White had not met Rosemary Mc Donnell as he only started going out with Rosemary Mc Donnell in Summer 1988