Archive for January, 2014

Shine on Harvey Moon

January 2, 2014

The above title comes from the person who is accredited with acquiring the property mentioned in the first paragraph of Finnegan’s Wake revisitedĀ  The Petitioner is using the term accredited giving all the discrepancies mentioned below Harvey is the Christian name of the person involved Harvey works as Managing Director Global Market Equities for Deutsche Bank, whose code of ethics say that their senior managers must do nothing in their personal of professional life that brings the good name of the bank into disrepute.see

Well the following certainly questions thatĀ As that is the house that has been registered with the Property Registration Authority and even it is erroneous as the number attached to is not the number of the house it actually has no number, just a house name, similar in name to Waters Edge The house number on the Folio Registration is in use by a house three doors down from it with was referred to in the Posting The K & C Axis September 2012

The Number used for the house planning application Planning Application was a number registered to another house with The Valuation Office The person who occupies that house retired this spring after twenty years with William Fry Solicitors again the same house name was used similar in name to Waters Edge

Along with that the insurance on the property is questionable as it is a joint insurance from a subsidiary of Lloyd’s Insurance and it is between the builder and the said owner surely a conflict of interest there as what happens if they come into dispute during the build

The loan for the property does not come from Deutsche Bank but from AIB Home Loans who under their, criteria have to inspect a property on which they give out a loan Well AIB were asked in a general enquiry 20th December 2013 what happens if it subsequently claimed the house needs to be demolished the AIB employee said they had never come across that Well according the Property Registration Authority AIB were the bank who gave the loan on the property

As someone said to the Petitioner 20th December 2013 – he- Harvey – could lose his job over this and as the Petitioner replied He should have thought of that before he took on the project

The following comes from page 3 part three of Deutsche Bank code of ethics requirements

To act in the best interest of Deutsche Bank and not to pursue personal interests in his/her decisions which would be detrimental to the interests of Deutsche Bank or use business opportunities intended for the enterprise for himself/herself.

— To endeavour to avoid situations that present or may lead to a conflict of interest between personal and professional relationships. If such a conflict occurs, it has to be disclosed to the Supervisory Board without delay and the (other) members of the Management Board are to be informed. Actual and apparent conflicts of interest are to be handled in an ethical manner